Meredith has 3 years of SAT and ACT tutoring experience with
a variety of companies. She also has extensive experience privately tutoring, both for standardized
tests and mathematics. She just graduated from UNC and is currently working
in a theoretical cosmology research group.
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Andrew has been a teaching assistant for Calculus (MATH 232) and Physics (PHYS 119) at UNC.
He also has 2 years of private math tutoring experience. He will be attending Boston University
in the fall to pursue his PhD in experimental particle physics.
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Reed is a double major in Mathematics and Computer Science. He works in an Astronomy research group, and has been
the TA for educational astronomy programs and intro level astronomy courses. He is also a certified Peer Tutor at the
UNC Writing and Learning Center.
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Abe just graduated from UNC with a degree in physics. He is currently working as an EMT for a year and will be attending
medical school afterwards.
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Natalie is currently working at a tutoring company as a paid SAT tutor, but is also volunteering her time to No Cost Tutoring.
She has previous experience tutoring mathematics and science. She'll be attending UT-Austin in the fall to pursue her PhD in physics.
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